Diary of an Imperfect Mum
New York Times bestselling author Glennon Doyle has the kind of warmth and realness that makes you wish you could sit down and have an in-depth conversation about life’s biggest questions. She also happens to be a mom, which makes her especially adept at speaking to the struggles of motherhood. Her best-selling books and social media accounts are full of little nuggets of wisdom that resonate with women around the world.
One of those quotes is this: “No mom has it all together.” The expectation that you must excel at your career and at home can feel overwhelming, but this quote reminds us that it’s okay to have ebbs and flows in your aspirations. The key is in the love and dedication you pour into your endeavors, regardless of whether they’re professional or personal.
Diary of an Imperfect Mum: Embracing the Chaos of Parenting
This is the story of Susan, a mom of three. Her youngest son, Max, is 3. He’s the sweetest kid in the world—when he gets what he wants. But when he doesn’t, he throws the longest, loudest tantrums. Rather than react with frustration and annoyance, she chooses to consider his behavior from a place of compassion and curiosity. This helps her to have more confidence in herself as an (inevitably) imperfect parent.
Diary of an Imperfect Mum was intentionally designed to help you let go of the unrealistic expectations and damaging mindsets that keep you from enjoying your time with your kids. Instead of focusing on what you can’t control, focus on God’s worth and ability to provide for your family.